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News : Common Myths About Collages
Posted by admin on 2012/6/10 15:50:00 (3410 reads)

Collage is considered fair use, and therefore not subject to copyright law.
The doctrine of fair use protects educational and scholarly purposes such as news reporting, literary criticism, and libraries. Artistic uses are not explicitly protected by fair use, and commercial uses are explicitly not protected.

My collage can freely use copyrighted material, as long as I use no more than 5% / 10% / a small amount of the original work.
The doctrine of "de minimis" theoretically protects minimal copying, but it's vague and difficult to pin down.

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News : Facebook Spoliation Costs Lawyer $522,000; Ends His Legal Career
Posted by admin on 2011/11/21 18:00:00 (3908 reads)

November 15, 2011

A Virginia state judge ordered lawyer Matthew Murray to pay $522,000 for instructing his client to remove photos from his Facebook profile, and for his client to pay an additional $180,000 for obeying the instructions. A copy of the final order in Lester v. Allied Concrete Company is available here. Click here to see the previous court ruling determining sanctions were in order.

Read the full article here.


News : Are parental guarantees of their child's performance enforceable?
Posted by admin on 2011/11/12 16:30:00 (4130 reads)

by Elliot Zimmerman

Throughout my career, I have routinely included a parental guarantee of the child’s performance in all contracts I drafted for clients engaging a minor. IMHO, the parent gets a separate benefit and detriment from that of the child in agreeing to same in that the parent’s burden of providing for the child is abrogated if the child becomes an earner.

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News : Ten Questions: Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Streaming Media
Posted by admin on 2011/6/8 16:10:00 (6332 reads)

by Geoff Daily
February 15, 2007

Elliot Zimmerman discusses IP issues facing content creators, owners, and publishers.

The questions surrounding intellectual property are too numerous and varied to be boiled down to a checklist the way we’ve done with other “Ten Questions” articles in this issue. Instead, we sat down with Elliot Zimmerman—a Florida-based entertainment attorney who has represented clients including Aretha Franklin and jazz pianist Ahmad Jamal and others in cases involving copyright and trademarks, and who now specializes in “cyberlaw” legal issues related to the internet—to learn a little bit more about IP issues facing content creators, owners, and publishers.

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News : What's GNU?
Posted by admin on 2011/6/8 16:00:00 (3817 reads)

by Elliot Zimmerman
The Florida Bar Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Section
http://easl.info/modules.php?op=modlo ... de=thread&order=0&thold=0
Monday, August 23, 2004 - 08:33 PM - 8866 Reads

The GNU (“Generally Not Unix”) General Public License (“GPL”), or GNU GPL for short, which can be viewed here, is used by authors who want their works to remain free for others to copy and change. Under the terms of the GNU GPL, the author first copyrights the original work then licenses it to the public to use for free, provided that anyone who redistributes it, with or without changes, must pass along the freedom to further copy and change it.

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